Momentum on the Deua River

A six year grant funded Landcare project to restore a 42km stretch of the HCVAE Deua River

Taking Action - LLCI028-005

The issue

The Deua River has been identified as a High Conservation Value Aquatic Ecosytem (HCVAE) however years of use for rural residential and agricultural lands has left the riparian zone littered with weeds such as Willow, Tree of Heaven, Acers, Privet and more. Due to the fertile, dynamic and mobile nature of this zone weeds were spreading from high/historical infestation areas and establishing on otherwise pristine properties. The Deua Rivercare group were formed some 10 years ago however it was outside of their capacity to control weeds across a 42km stretch that incorporated many absentee owners and infestations that required specialist treatments such as High Volume spraying, chainsawing, basal bark and often in remote or difficult to access sites.



The solution

Deua Rivercare joined with Eurobodalla Shire Council to obtain a 6 year Environmental Trust funded project that worked cross tenure from the junction of Araluen Creek to the Burra Creek. The project was funded in 2012 to the value of $236,141 with works to include weed control works across a 42km stretch seeing a 90% reduction in woody weeds, engaging 25% of landholders, revegetation and erosion control to reduce sediment transfer, feral animal control (pigs, foxes and wild dogs), education events, training sessions and promotion




The impact

The project was completed in June 2018 and saw a more than 90% reduction in woody weeds working with over 80% of landowners in the project area, erosion control structures at 5 sites, revegetation at over 20 sites, feral animal control, 7 targeted education events, over 60 working bees, engagement of 95 individuals and close to 5000 volunteer hours.

The project also allowed the project team to engage with stakeholders within and adjoining the project area and a working group was formed between landholders, Rivercare volunteers, ESC, LLS, NPWS and State Forests and also assisted with the formation of the adjoining Burra Creek Landcare group. This working group are well placed to continue to maintain communications and project works after the cessation of the funded project.


Author: Emma Patyus

Key facts

  • Grant funds obtained from Environmental Trust to fund cross tenure weed control over 420 hectares adjoining the HCVAE Deua River
  • $236, 141 over 6 year project life
  • 90% reduction in weed presence
  • Over 80% of landholders on board across a 42km stretch of river
  • 5000 volunteer hours contributed

Project Partners
