Enabling Positive Change

A Local Leaders program offers Landcare Coordinators skills in enabling change and engaging community through position communication.

Stronger Together - LLCI029-003

The issue

Just about all volunteer community groups are faced with the challenge of bringing new members into their groups. There is a myriad of reasons, many specific to local communities, as to why this is the case.

The challenge is to tap into the skills and passion of a community, and link that into healthy, vibrant groups, committees and communities.

The solution

South East Local Land Services and South East Landcare have embraced this challenge by providing the opportunity to access some of the best leadership thinking and practices available through the delivery of the Local Leaders Program.

This three month program allows participants to develop a deep understanding and knowledge about leading change in their local community, while acquiring practical leadership tools and skills.

Participants have the opportunity to receive feedback from their peers and utilise their new skills by implementing a local project that they and their community are passionate about.

The impact

The networks created through the program with like-minded people has provided support and inspiration for local leaders throughout the South East Local Land Services region.

There have been four programs run throughout the region with an alumni network providing a link for all participants to provide support and guidance for each other.

As a Local Landcare Coordinator who has had the opportunity to participate in the Leaders Program, it has given insight and a clearer understanding of just how we communicate and the power of positive story telling.

Being more effective communicators will improve the way we engage with our families, work colleagues, volunteer committees and broader communities.

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • 60 South East locals through program to date.
  • Building skills to increase community capacity.
  • Engaging community through positive story telling.
  • Shifting public perception.
  • Remember rule number 6 - Don't take yourself so #*@#** seriously.

Project Partners