Tweed Landcare and Stroud Homes Tree Planting Grant

This grant was valuable to Forest Grove Estate as it enabled us to revegetate certain areas (buffer zone) surrounding our Endangered Ecological Community (EEC). There were five sites allocated for native planting and 200 native species purchased. Weeding works had been previously conducted by Bushland Restoration Services to remove most of the domestic plants and weeds from the buffer zone. The weather was perfect on the day of planting, Thursday 6th July. We had six crew to do the planting (four were from Bushland Restoration Services). Thank you very much Tweed Landcare and Stroud Homes for this endowment.
Before planting - site 3 Before planting - site 3

In this area we positioned approximately 80 plants. The species were Cupaniopsis Anacardioides, Ficus Coronata, Glochidion Ferninandi, Three Vein Laurel, Elaeocarpius Reticulatus, Melicope Elleryana, Blue Lilly Pilly, Hovea Acutifolia, Native Ginger, Pittosporum Revolutum, Commersonia Bartramia, Austromyrtus Dulcis, Crinium Pendunculatum, Gahnia Aspera, Lomandra Hystrix and Dianella Caerulea

Plants purchased Plants purchased

With the $700 Stroud Homes grant money, we purchased 200 plants from Tweed Shire Council Nursery. The predominant type of species chosen were the ones that reside within our EEC. Callistemon Salignus, Meleleuca Quinquernervia, Cupaniopsis Anacardioides, Ficus Coronata, Glochidion Ferdinandi, Three Vein Laurel, Elaeocarpus reticulatus, Melicope Elleryana, Native Ginger, Hovea Acutifolia, Blue Lilly Pilly, Pittosporum Revolutum, Acacia Melanoxylon, Commersonia Bartramia, Austromyrtus Dulcis, Crinium Pendunculatum, Gahnia Aspera, Lomandra Hystrix, Dianella Caerulea,

After planting - along the edges of the bank - site 5 After planting - along the edges of the bank - site 5

We planted Lomandra Hystrix, Dianella Caerulea and Hovea Acutofolia sporadically along the edges of the bank between site 4 and 5. This is to prevent grass moving down the banks, alleviate any erosion or to beautify the area.

After planting - site 1 After planting - site 1

In this area we planted Native Ginger, Crinium Pendunculatum, Gahnia Aspera, Lomandra Hystrix and Dianella Caerulea.

After planting - site 2 After planting - site 2

This area was planted with Native Ginger, Pittosporum Revolutum, Austromyrtus Dulcis, Crinium Pendunculatum, Ghania Aspera, Dianella Caerulea and Lomandra Hystrix

After planting - site 4 After planting - site 4

This area had domestic weeds which were removed. The native plants that were positioned here were Hovea Acutifolia, Austromyrtus Dulcis, Crinium Pedunculatum, Gahnia Aspera, Lomandra Hystrix and Dianella Caerulea.