There have been several Landcare groups working in the area of the Belmont Wetlands State Park (BWSP) over the last 20 years on various projects. The site has also been a focal area for Green Corps training teams.
The Friends of Belmont Wetlands Landcare group is continuing the important rehabilitation work these previous groups have undertaken on the site and is commencing new projects in areas of need with the following aims:
- to increase biodiversity on the degraded dunes and sand plains through vegetation corridors while creating a buffer or ‘green fence’ to protect the sensitive SEPP 14 wetlands adjacent;
- to provide a seed bank for following phases of dune work, supporting regeneration with locally endemic species
- to engage the community in the long-term stewardship of the BWSP.
With the regular assistance of the Trust’s executive and government advisors, the volunteers receive training in various aspects of bush regeneration, provide data to indicate fauna species and numbers, provide data to show improved habitats and increased biodiversity, provide evidence of a strong seed bank, and report on address feral species and vandalism
The Landcare group targets the protection and regeneration of native vegetation, treatment of weeds, protection and enhancement of wetlands, erosion and sediment controls, and the revegetation of highly erodible soils within the Park boundaries.
To date the group has achieved the planting of approx. 30,000 native plants with another 5000 to be planted in 2013, the continual removal of waste from the site, and significant weed treatment including Bitou Bush, Lantana, Pampas Grass, Blackberry and grass weeds, among others, as well as establishing a Site Office and Depot compound for whole–of-park management activities.
Community education programs remain a focus area for the group with assistance from the Trust and government agencies. The programs provided so far include plant identification, seed collection, vegetation community identification, monitoring skills, and project development and implementation skills. Through their regular working activities, they have demonstrated the effectiveness of different bush regeneration preparation and planting methods. A progressive curbing of past anti-social activities within the park is also high on the agenda.

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