We are a group that wishes to see the Narrabeen Lagoon catchment properly and sustainably protected for the benefit of current and future generations.

We are a group of concerned individuals who live either locally or within the Sydney northern region who wish to see the Narrabeen Lagoon catchment properly and sustainably protected for the benefit of current and future generations, as well as the rights and needs of the ecosystems within the catchment.

We have come together to encourage the State Government and to support Warringah and Pittwater Councils in the conservation of crown lands and the sustainable protection of the bushland, creeks, landform and flora and fauna within the catchment, whether it be on private or public lands.

Our mission through advocacy and education:

(a) To preserve the Narrabeen Lagoon catchment, its bushland, creeks, flora, fauna and cultural sites and to seek to reduce pollution and degradation of these.

(b) To help preserve, restore and improve bushland and wildlife corridors connecting the Catchment to Garigal National Park and other nearby bushland.

(c) To gather scientific and other information relating to the past and present condition of the Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment.

(d) To support fund raising to achieve a sustainable natural environment in this region.

(e) To support the identification of all aboriginal, cultural, ecological, historical and recreational artefacts, places, rock carvings, trails and other items consistent with the natural and social values of the Catchment

(f) To use this information to consult and co-operate with all relevant authorities in all matters affecting the welfare and beauty of the catchment system and environs.

(g) To raise a greater public awareness of the need to maintain the Lagoon and bushland in a healthy state.

(h) To communicate with and seek affiliation with other environmental protection organisations

(i) To seek rehabilitation and regeneration work in the Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment

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