The Goulburn Wetlands project will convert an abandoned brick pit into public parkland and a natural stormwater treatment system by restoring local ecosystems.

Once there was an old brick pit. For 60 years it sat in the middle of Goulburn collecting weeds, rubbish and a little water.

Then The Goulburn Group (TGG) came up with a plan and got some money from the NSW Government. Soon Goulburn Mulwaree Council joined in, together with the Goulburn Field Naturalists, Goulburn Golf Course, Plants Australia, the Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment Management Authority and NSW Lands. 

These groups joined the Wetlands Working Group to coordinate progress, while a new group, FROGS (Friends and Residents of Goulburn Swamplands), was formed to take over management in the longer term.

Now it is slowly turning into a great resource for people and wildlife ... and cleaner water. Come and visit, or come and help.

Working bees are held every Wednesday morning and the second Saturday of the month.


The Goulburn Wetlands project aims to convert an abandoned brick pit into public parkland and a natural storm-water treatment system by restoring local ecosystems.

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Robert Adam