The Ginninderra Catchment Group is an incorporated umbrella group of community volunteers working in the water catchment of the Ginninderra Creek

The primary focus of the Group is advancing the health of the Ginninderra Catchment through effective engagement with government, agencies, business, schools and the catchment community. We have a strong commitment to community education and capacity building and seek to create diverse opportunities for people to become involved in catchment management, decision-making and on-ground action.

GCG Leaflet CoverDownload a copy of the Ginninderra Catchment Group's leaflet here.

Our Goals

  • Create ecosystems that accommodate human settlement but reduce the impacts and their effects on environmental systems;
  • Restore and maintain as much of the natural setting as possible within an urban environment; and
  • Ensure more systematic, catchment wide sustainable environmental outcomes from the activities of volunteers.

To achieve these goals and the wise investment of funding, expertise and volunteer effort the Group has developed clear strategic priorities. These are progressively revised in line with changes in policy, planning frameworks, knowledge and practice and significant externalities such as climate change.

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