Work in Gleneagles Bushland Reserve, Hornsby
Natural and Cultural Heritage
- Soil derived from Hawkesbury Sandstone
- Vegetation community: Eucalyptus piperita – Angophora costata Open Forest
Conservation Status
- Reserve contains significant bushland habitat
- Regent Honeyeater (Xanthomyza phrygia), a listed endangered species under the Threatened Species Conservation Act (1995), has been recorded as utilising habitat adjacent to the reserve.
Condition / Impacts
- The four northern Lots of the reserve are in very good condition (good), with weeds prominent only along residential edges. The terrain becomes steeper and moist in the southern four Lots where the condition is poor-very poor with a peak in weed infestation occurring along the stormwater runoff drain at 15X Gleneagles Cr. Several water runoff drains have formed below private properties.
Main Weeds
- Agapanthus, Jasmine, Spider Plant, Fishbone Fern, Whisky Grass, Privet, Cassia, Lantana, Crofton Weed, Coral Tree, Creeping Buttercup, Wandering Jew, Morning Glory, Honeysuckle, Ivy, Kikuyu, Paspalum dilatatum, Bamboo
- Adjoins bushland corridor leading to Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park (Northern Transport Corridor) but is divided from KCNP by F3 freeway
- Land to the east of the reserve, bordered by the Freeway, is currently vacant Crown Land.
- A NetTech water treatment device has been installed adjacent to this reserve on Gleneagles Crescent
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