Building a Socially Savvy Community

GLENRAC has delivered a nine social media training events over the last 24-months. These events have targeted new and novice users to social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

Reaching Out - LLCI031-029

The issue

The landscape for communicating with our Landcare members and the wider community has changed considerably over the past 5-years. More people are utilising electronic means to access information instead of the traditional media channels, print media, bulk mail-outs and community billboards. Information, opportunities and events are arriving with short time lines for promotion and no budget for promotion.

GLENRAC has adapted to this new landscape with investment in a website, Facebook and Instagram pages. But, how do we ensure our members are able to access this information? 

The solution

Over the past 2-years we have delivered nine workshops with four training providers to build community capacity for our members to engage with confidence on social media platforms. We have hosted workshops for beginners and advanced Facebook users, new users to Instagram and for rural women to build a public profile on social media. 

Financial resources to support these events has provided through various funding programs including Meat & Livestock Australia; Foundation for Regional and Rural Renewal; Department of Social Services and the NSW Department of Primary Industries Rural Resilience Program. 

These events have been attended by 123 participants representing rural landholders; urban residents; community groups and small business owners. We have had repeat participants who may have attended an introductory workshop who have come back for a more advanced workshop later.  These activities have helped GLENRAC connect with new participants to Landcare and attract new members to our organisation. 

The impact

Through our community capacity building activities and ongoing updates online GLENRAC has increased our reach online. In the 12-months from 1st July 2017 to 30th June 2018 GLENRAC's Facebook 'Likes' have increased by 60% and our number of unique website visits increased by 250%. 

These increases are important to our organisation for a few key reasons, it demonstrates our relevance to our target audience; we can deliver important messages quickly to many users; the cost of delivery is low compared to traditional media channels.  

Increasing our online presence has also allowed GLENRAC to connect with new partners in natural resource management, sustainable agriculture as well as local and regional community and interest groups. By building relationships with organisations with a similar objectives we are able to have our posts shared and our reach further increased.

Author: Kylie Falconer

Key facts

  • Connecting our community
  • New ways of communicating with our members
  • Activities funded from a variety of sources
  • New partnerships formed

Project Partners