Be Prepared with Australian Red Cross' Emergency RediPlan.

As soon as an emergency arises, the Red Cross mobilises to respond. Their Emergency RediPlan prepares you to protect what matters most and reduces the impact of the event.

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The issue

An emergency is an event that causes serious disruption and added stress to your life.

Rural residents, being remote or distant from agency depots, can be more significantly impacted by emergencies such as bushfires, floods and wild weather events due to assistance not always being immediately available.

The solution

Being prepared for an emergency by having a plan in place to protect yourself and your property and making decisions in advance about what you will take with you if you need to evacuate will ease the stress associated with the emergency event.

Our workshop attendees at the Uniting Church Hall in Glen Innes on April 11 2024 learnt from the Australian Red Cross how to:

  • prepare for emergencies

  • assess their own disaster risks

  • complete your individualsed Emergency RediPlan - either in theh provided hard copy or via the EmergenyRedi mobile app.

Staff and volunteers from the NSW Rural Fire Service advised on how to prepare your property for bushfires in advance of the fire season and to use the Hazards Near Me app - including how to set up a 'Watch Zone' - to receive alerts of events occurring in their location of interest.

Staff and volunteers from the NSW State Emergency Service Rural Fire Service also gave advice regarding to best to monitor either online or via ABC Emergency Radio stations for approaching wild weather and flood events and provided handy fridge-magnet checklists.

The impact

Workshop attendees took away a GLENRAC Emergency Grab bag full of useful resources, including a torch, snake bite kit, a hard copy of the Red Cross Emergency RediPlan booklet and SES Emergency Checklist fridge magnets. Armed with these resources, everyone could create their own family/property Emergency Plan to ensure their future emergency preparedness.

Author: Christine Davis

Key facts

  • An emergency is an event that causes serious disruption and added stress to your life.
  • Emergency preparedness that includes risk assessment, mitigation and an action plan reduces the impact of event.

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