Farm Biosecurity for Glen Innes producers
GLENRAC has hosted an evening information event on 26th September 2017 to connect livestock producers with information on farm biosecurity planning. The event attracted 156 participants.
Reaching Out - LLCI031-025
The issue
Livestock producers in NSW have faced many changes in recent months. The introduction of the Biosecurity Act 2015 in NSW and changes to the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program and the Johnes disease framework across Australia. Local farming families are strongly represented in the membership of GLENRAC. In view of these changes, the need to factual information and the needs of our membership GLENRAC sought to host a workshop in Glen Innes for the benefit of our community. Farm biosecurity is important for both sustainable agriculture and the environment.
The solution
GLENRAC staff worked with 4 partner organisations to deliver an information event in Glen Innes - Livestock Biosecurity Network, Glen Innes Veterinary Hospital, Northern Tablelands Local Land Services and Glen Innes Agents Association. Resources from the event were largely provided in-kind by the partner organisations. Financial resources for staff time were provided through the LLCI contract.
GLENRAC facilitated the event logistics and community engagement and our partner organisations provided the technical expertise and presentations. In addition, they were able to provide hard copy resources for event participants including handouts, templates and coreflute gate signs.
The impact
This event provided timely information for event participants. The Biosecurity Act (2015) and the changes to Johnes framework came into place on the 1 July 2017, changes to the LPA program were able to be implemented on the 1st October 2017. Livestock producers had an immediate need need for current information and the event attendance numbers reflected the high level of interest.
This event attracted new participants to Landcare activities with 28% current GLENRAC members and 63% had not attended a GLENRAC event in the last 2 years. As a result of hosting this event GLENRAC attracted 89 new members.
Key facts
- Relevant and timely event
- Responsive to the needs of our community
- Connected new participants to Landcare activities
- Attracted new members