Fit Farmers for Glen Innes

GLENRAC hosts an annual Fit Farmers event on National R U OK Day held on the 8th September. This event supports GLENRAC's goal to build a strong and resilient community.

Reaching Out - LLCI031-021

The issue

The need for GLENRAC to play a lead role in supporting our community during difficult times became evident during the 1 in 50 year drought event from 2014-2015. GLENRAC staff were fielding a large number of enquiries for a wide range of topics ranging from financial assistance, drought feeding strategies and mental health support. GLENRAC took a proactive approach and ran a number of events to address these needs and gathered a range of contacts and resources to connect landholders with appropriate information and services. GLENRAC recently reviewed our five-year Strategic Plan for the period 2015-2020. As a result of the organisation's experiences in the preceding years this plan states a new goal for GLENRAC of 'Building strong and robust communities'.

The solution

GLENRAC's first Fit Farmers event was held in 2014, the aim of the event was to connect landholders with information and services to assist them with both personal and business matters during drought conditions. The event concept was to deliver an event to cover three areas of farm fitness - physical, mental and financial health.The Fit Farmers event held each year has sourced financial and in-kind resources from a range of partner organisations. In 2016, financial support was gained through the Foundation for Regional and Rural Renewal to assist with event operating costs. All our speakers provided their services as an in-kind contribution.

The impact

The Fit Farmers event has connected GLENRAC with new participants to Landcare events and new members. This event is open to all members of the community and is free to attend. The broad program has interesting and informative content. We allow time for people to talk and connect over morning tea and a BBQ lunch. We have hosted these events in localities across our district, Glencoe, Deepwater and Wellingrove. This gives each years' event a local flavor and supports small community organisations through venue hire and catering. This event helps bring small communities together.

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • Fit Farmers targets physical, mental and financial health for farmers
  • Connects landholders with information and services
  • Recognises the importance of mental health to the resilience of our community

Project Partners