GLENRAC Finds Focus

GLENRAC has piloted short evening information events over 2018 as a way to attract new participants to Landcare activities.

Reaching Out - LLCI031-027

The issue

GLENRAC has been looking for new ways to engage our community in Landcare activities. We are aware many interested community members and land managers work through the daytime, our traditional time of day for holding events. 

To actively attract new participants and to meet the needs of those who work through the week we needed a new solution. We did not have a large budget to support these events so the solution needed to be innovative as well.

The solution

The concept of a piloting a monthly evening GLENRAC Focus event was developed in late 2017 by staff and committee members. The first event was held in January 2018. The basic event program is short, sharp presentation followed by an evening meal and discussion.

We have hosted a wide range of event topics including a farmer update; dieback in eucalypts; farm family communication; the social license of farming.

The costs for staff time and venue hire are met by existing funded projects. Catering costs are met by participants paying a cover charge of $10 per head. We have deliberately targeted topics where we can engage presenters who will either donate their time or can cover their fees through paid employment. 

Event promotion has been restricted to GLENRAC email updates, website and social media posts, Facebook and Instagram. We have not paid for advertising in local print or radio media. 

The impact

GLENRAC has now hosted 8 Focus events in 2018. These events were attended by a total of 203 participants. We are actively planning the 2019 Focus program of events. To expand the program we have developed funding applications to support payment of speakers fees and paid advertising for future events. 

The Focus events have allowed us to explore topics we may not have otherwise hosted in Glen Innes. The events have been a 'taster' for future events and ideas for future project applications.

The Focus events have also created new working partnerships with other organisations including the Australian Museum, SkyMesh, Go Ahead Business Solutions and Integrity Systems.

Two events connected participants with funding opportunities through NSW Crown Land Public Reserve Management Fund program and the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust.

Author: Kylie Falconer

Key facts

  • New monthly evening events
  • Short, sharp presentations
  • Wide range of topics
  • Average of 25 participants per event

Project Partners