GLENRAC Focus - Farmer Update
Information event for farm business'
- GLENRAC Focus - Farmer Update
- 2018-04-19T18:00:00+10:00
- 2018-04-19T21:00:00+10:00
- Information event for farm business'
19 Apr, 2018 from 06:00 PM to 09:00 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1000)
Glen Innes & District Services Club, 120 Grey St Glen Innes
Come along to hear the latest information on a range of topics relating to beef and sheep markets, landholder requirements and responsibilities and new opportunities for income for rural land owners.
We will have presenters from the following organisations on the night -
- Meat & Livestock Australia,
- Integrity Systems Company ,
- New England Weeds Authority,
- NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust
- Sustainable Land Management
Cost $10 per person at the door
RSVP: 17th April 2018, 02 6732 3443 or
Premier Event Partners - Glen Innes Agents Association, New England Weeds Authority & Biodiversity Conservation Trust