Great Numbers for GLENRAC Growth

One of GLENRAC's greatest achievements has been sustained and strong growth in membership. From 2015-2016 to March-2019 we recorded an increase of 73% in membership numbers.

Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI031-030

The issue

Membership is key for Landcare networks and groups. Community engagement and continued relevance to our membership are key to retaining and attracting members. GLENRAC wanted to grow our membership base in terms of both number and diversity of members. This would help ensure we are truly representative of our community of interest.

The solution

We receive the majority of new membership applications from events we run. Over the past 3.5 years we have run a many activities ranging in topics, presentation format and content. 

We take membership application forms to all events and encourage participants to become members so they are part of our communication loop for the future. The most common way people find out about our events is our regular e-flash (email newsletter). 

GLENRAC offers free membership for interested individuals. Free membership makes it easy to join and there isn't the hassle of annual financial renewals to remember for members or for staff or volunteers to administer.  Fee free membership is equitable for all members of our community, regardless of economic status. 


The impact

A strong and diverse membership is an indicator of a healthy and relevant organisation. GLENRAC strives to meet the needs of our members and through our membership database we can ensure a high level of direct communication with members particularly through our e-flashes.

New members bring new skills and interest. Increased membership is making it easier to fill our committee of management positions at the Annual General Meeting. People now ask how to become a committee member instead of avoiding attending in fear of getting a job!

A focus on membership growth has increased our profile on all levels. GLENRAC is seen as good people to do business with, and a great group to be a member of. Our membership is not limited to locals, we also have members who live away from Glen Innes, interested landcarers, past residents, absentee landholders and those looking to move to the district. 

Author: Kylie Falconer

Key facts

  • Representation
  • Free membership
  • Diversity of members
  • Activities drive new memberships