Smoko with Friends
Smoko with Friends is returning to Red Range and Deepwater this month, with a focus on the care and control of native and invasive animals.
Residents from both areas are invited to attend the free meet-ups, with the opportunity to catch up with others from the region, while also learning about the latest news and events from leading industry professionals.
The event will include presentations on the protection of native and endangered animal species, including GLENRAC Landcare Coordinator, Lucy Faithfull, who will talk about the current Northern Tablelands based Regent Honeyeater programs; and Project Manager for GLENRAC and Land for Wildlife regional assessor, Dr Mahri Koch, who will discuss Land for Wildlife, a scheme to support private landholders who voluntarily provide and enhance habitat for native wildlife on their properties, and how attendees can get involved.
“Land for Wildlife is a voluntary property registration scheme that encourages landholders to include nature conservation, along with other land management objectives, such as agricultural best practices,” says Dr Koch. “Land for Wildlife is free to join and is not legally binding. It supports people who want information about wildlife management on their property, and provides opportunities for landholders to share their experiences with other landholders."
The day will also include presentations on the control of invasive species, including the Glen Innes Severn Council Ranger, Tim McClymont, who will speak about procedures for stray stock on roads and cat trapping; and GLENRAC Project Officer, Shelley Eglesfield, who will discuss identification, control and trapping of the invasive, and highly aggressive, Indian Myna bird species.
Attendees will take home a copy of the Clarence Valley Conservation in Action Group's Indian Myna Bird Identification and Control Handbook, an excellent resource designed by specialists Laura and Kevin Nobel who presented the Indian Myna Workshop forum last May.
This event is proudly supported by GLENRAC, the NSW Department of Industries and Landcare NSW Program: Managing Established Pest Animals and Weeds.