Tapping into training, Glen Innes

GLENRAC secured a number of fully subsidised training events to be delivered in Glen Innes in 2019-2020.

Collaborations - LP008-001

The issue

In 2018 and 2019 the Glen Innes district experienced severe drought conditions with many landholders unable to spare much time away from farm around managing stock water and hand feeding stock.  Furthermore, drought conditions also placed pressure on farm incomes and many farmers were looking for off farm employment opportunities to supplement income.

Training opportunities where students can gain statement of attainment towards qualifications or a license are offered in our local area infrequently. Many training events are offered in capital cities or major regional centres involving additional time and expenses for travel and accommodation.  The cost of training fees is often a barrier for interested individuals.

The solution

GLENRAC connected with training providers to connect interested community members with not only training opportunities but the opportunity to apply for full-fee support for eligible students. Training subsidies were available through NSW Government initiatives Smart & Skilled and Drought funding. This capacity of GLENRAC to connect was enabled through funding from the NSW Landcare Support Program. 

GLENRAC connected with our members and wider community through our regular communication channels - email newsletters, Facebook and printed newsletters as well as mentioned these opportunities at our regular Smoko with Friends events throughout 2019.

In the period July 2019 to March, GLENRAC worked with three registered training organisations to bring six accredited training courses for face to face delivery in Glen Innes. Courses delivered included forklift license; drone essentials training, chemical users certification and THRIVE. This training was attended by 76 individuals from the Glen Innes and surrounding districts. The value of subsidised training fees was $45,500. 

In addition, attracting local training added to our local economy through accommodation and catering as well as supporting local community groups through venue hire of the Dundee and Stonehenge Recreation areas.

The impact

The capacity for GLENRAC to attract both participants to training and training to be delivered in Glen Innes has had a positive impact on our community. Feedback from participants has been positive with several participants securing off-farm employment as a result of obtaining the required licenses or qualifications.  Furthermore, training delivered will contribute to improved safety on farms and an increased capacity for individuals to meet their on-farm compliance by obtaining the required qualifications e.g. chemical users certification. 

Author: Kylie Falconer

Key facts

  • Connecting our community with opportunities
  • Attracting locally delivered training
  • Creating safer working environments

Project Partners