The Cat & the Trap

Building landholder capacity in threatened species conservation and control of feral cats at Bald Nob - Skeleton Creek

Making a Difference - XXXX

The issue

GLENRAC members reported increased sightings of feral cats, increased incidences of feral cat and wildlife interactions and concerns about spread of disease to livestock. To save local populations of threatened species, it is necessary to effectively address threatening processes at a landscape scale. The project sought to enable land managers to manage feral cat populations in the GLENRAC network area and their impacts upon threatened species. Investing in land manager training and cat traps will enable land managers to participate in vertebrate pest management on properties linking world heritage areas, reducing feral cat predation on threatened species.

The solution

GLENRAC hosted two workshops. These events was attended by 20 participants from across the Glen Innes District. Our guest speaker was Stuart Boyd-Law. GLENRAC purchased 12 cat traps that are a community resource that will continue to be in use in our community for many years to come. Through the purchasing of these traps GLENRAC has formed a strong relationship with the Glen Innes Severn Shire Council rangers and rangers were able to use our traps for trapping activities in the Emmaville, Deepwater and Red Range landfill areas. GLENRAC has loaned the 12 cat traps to the GlSC to be available into the future. GLENRAC will continue to work with GISC to raise community awareness of this community resource and the impact feral cats can have on native fauna. GLENRAC staff have also been able to initiate a Feral Cat Scan group for Glen Innes, whilst in its early stages this group will be an efficient monitoring tool for GLENRAC to use into the future. To date we have limited users but we are looking for opportunities to further promote its existence. This project will assist all partner organisations to work together on future pest animal management and control projects.

The impact

Feral cats are difficult to successfully trap. The workshops addressed some new and innovative methods to attract cats, but it is difficult to transfer all this information to the general public. Feedback from many rural land managers is that they address feral cat control through other on-farm control programs and did not need to utilise cat traps to reduce feral cat populations. Many people consider their neighbourhood nuisance cat to be a feral cat, which can be a myth. The involvement of Council with this project has ensured that all captured and returned cats are scanned for microchips and returned to their owners if needed. The concept of responsible pet ownership needs to be continually endorsed across our community to raise the awareness of the impact that domestic as well as feral cats have on our native fauna species.


Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • 1518 Ha pest animal measures implemented on ground
  • 12 cat trap bought for the Glen Innes community
  • Feral Cat Scan group for Glen Innes as an efficient monitoring tool

Project Partners