Grazing for Tomorrow
Grazing for Tomorrow

Grazing for Tomorrow

When - 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Thursday 14 March 2024 Boorowa "Grazing for Tomorrow," is a workshop designed to empower graziers with the knowledge and tools necessary to thrive in an ever-changing agricultural landscape. Presentations included;


17 May, 2024 from 09:05 AM to 04:00 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1000)


46 Hazelton Road Bungonia, NSW 2580

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0423 307 287

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  • Bureau of Meteorology providing invaluable tools and insights into the weather outlook and setting the stage for informed decision-making in the face of climate variability.

  • showcasing the latest research, evidence, and tools available to evolve farm businesses while maintaining and enhancing natural capital. 

  • Guided paddock/farm tour, where you'll witness first hand how changes in grazing management practices can positively impact your business. 

  • The impact of grazing community groups as a source of support and solidarity. 

  • Graziers who are leading the charge in sustainable and regenerative grazing practices. 

Don't miss this opportunity to equip yourself with the knowledge, tools, and community support needed to thrive as a grazier in tomorrow's agricultural landscape. Join us for "Grazing for Tomorrow" and embark on a journey towards a resilient, sustainable, and content future.