Biological Control Release

Jewel Beetle release to assist landholders in their fight to control Cats Claw Creeper.

Biological Control Release

Jewel Beetle release to assist landholders in their fight to control Cats Claw Creeper.

Taking Action -


The issue

Cats Claw Creeper is a woody vine that invades warm, moist native forests and riparian zones. Its climbing woody stems cling to tree trunks, enabling it to grow into the canopy where it smothers and kills the trees. The vine also competes with native plants at the ground level where it forms a dense ground mat and numerous underground reproductive tubers. It produces abundant seeds that are dispersed by wind and water. Physical removal is feasible for seedlings and very small plants however this is not possible where the infestations are dense and widespread.    

The solution

Granite Borders Landcare, Tenterfield Shire Council, Department of Primary Industries, Northern Tablelands Local Land Services engaged with Landholders on the Timbarra River east of Tenterfield and established two biological control release sites. The jewel beetles where release in March 2019 at two sites in two catchments. Landholders where instructed on how to monitor the abundance and distribution of the beetles. The Landholders are also focusing there manual control efforts on liberating mature native trees from the vine to enable recovery of the canopy. 

The impact

At this stage the impact of the jewel beetles on the infestations is not known. However, if established successfully, it is hoped that these beetles will reduce the growth and seeding of the weed and, in the longer term the production of tubers. It will be some years before the impacts of these biological control agents can be assessed.

Key facts

  • Cats Claw Creeper is a woody vine that destroys native vegetation, habitat and severely impacts on production systems.
  • Continuing partnerships with landholders and Natural Resource Managers.
  • Two biological control sites established in the Timbarra River area.

Project Partners