Restoring & Regenerating Koala Habitat

On ground action to protect and restore priority koala habitat

Capacity to Deliver - LP007-007

The issue

By early 2020, 237,000Ha approx. 32% of our Shire's landscape had been impacted by 11 months of bushfires, decimating much of the native vegetation. This project was developed to re-establish the scarred landscape, protect existing koala habitat and install protective corridors for our local koala population.

Key aspects of the project included local landholder engagement, identification of eucalypt species which were both koala food and habitat, sourcing local seed, installing fencing to exclude cattle and incorporating understory plants for added koala protection.

Included in the project were opportunities to share planting expertise through workshops and individual one-on-one sessions to educate the community on proper planting practices for long term success.

The solution

Granite Borders Landcare received funding through the Northern Tablelands LLS Regional Land Partners Program for 8000 eucalypts plus additional understory native flora. Additional funds were also provided to assist with fencing to exclude grazing cattle. Specific local and indigenous eucalypt species were sourced and propagated at Mole Station native nursery.

Key areas were identified for planting across the Shire and 17 separate projects undertaken. Each landholder attended a workshop and engaged in interactive planting demonstrations and received tree guards and planting equipment. Once plants were delivered onto individual sites, contractors were deployed to assist with planting and for those planting themselves, individual support was provided by way of assistance from a revegetation specialist.

The impact

Unseasonal heavy rain across the Northern Tablelands continuously impacted milestone delivery. Groundwork preparation stalled, properties became inaccessible and slower than normal growth was recorded at the nursery. Over 4000 trees have been planted but, with the onset of Winter and in an effort not to overburden our landholders, planting was delayed until Spring.  

This project will deliver positive environmental outcomes to Australia’s endangered koala species with its final target of 8,000 eucalypts, on 17 different landholdings covering 40Ha of private land. It will expand the habitat and increase connectivity for many native fauna species in addition to the now endangered koala.

Author: Kathleen Macdonald

Key facts

  • Landholder project engagement was strengthened with interactive workshops and follow up
  • Changing climatic conditions impacted on delivery timeliness
  • Correct eucalypt species for habitat and feed was paramount
  • Communication on milestone delivery to stakeholders is vital

Project Partners
