The Buzz on Native Solitary Bees

An introduction to the amazing diversity of native solitary bees.

The Buzz on Native Solitary Bees

An introduction to the amazing diversity of native solitary bees.

Making a Difference -


The issue

Nearly two-thirds of flowering plants rely on insects to pollinate them making these insects essential to maintaining healthy ecosystems. Australia’s solitary bees are often over looked for their more abundant cousins with regard to pollination. However, understanding is growing on the use of Australian stingless bees for crop pollination, for some crops, such as macadamias, mangos, and citrus, they may be better than commercial honey bees. Solitary bees make up the vast majority of our 1500 odd native bee species however Land clearing and landscaping can destroy food sources and nest sites, threatening native bees.

The solution

Granite Borders Landcare Committee engaged Marc Newman to deliver a workshop to introduce us to the amazing world of Australia native solitary bees. Over 20 people attended the day which included a slide show presentation on native bees from all over Australia which demonstrated their diversity as well as helping us to learn how to distinguish them from wasps. A walk and talk through Marc's wonderful garden full of bee nesting blocks and houses showed us how to encourage these bees into our own gardens through increasing habitat by planting nectar-rich flowers and providing nest sites.

The impact

The day introduced over 20 people to the amazing world of native bees. The workshop was able to highlight the importance of these bees in our ecosystem and how to actively participate in their protection. Marc was an extremely engaging presenter whose passion for these bees is contagious. Once you start to look you'll be surprised how many you find.

Key facts

  • Over 20 people increased their knowledge on Australia's native solitary bees.
  • Great information presented on planting bee attractant species and construction of bee motels.

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