A Bird’s Eye View of Progress
Using drones in Greater Sydney Landcare
Capacity to Deliver - LEP_025_RLC_005
The issue
What is another way we can show our volunteers that they are having a positive impact on the work that they do to help our environment?
The solution
One solution could be to use drones to take before after and during work aerial photos of Landcare sites.
Drones have proved to be enormously useful in agricultural areas, but there is no reason they can’t be used on Landcare sites in urban and peri-urban areas. They can be used to map and monitor vegetation sites, map soil quality, assess plant health, detect weeds and pest animals, analyse impacts of rainfall. Drones can be programmed to fly over the exact same site as many times as necessary.
The impact
All of this can be done relatively quickly and would provide volunteers with a birds-eye view of what they have achieved.
There would also be the broader and longer-term benefit of capturing data to plan new Landcare sites to connect restored landscapes.