Cobbitty focussed Landcare

Celebrating World Environment Day with landholders on a Cumberland Plain Woodland site

Cobbitty focussed Landcare

Celebrating World Environment Day with landholders on a Cumberland Plain Woodland site

Community Participation -


The issue

Two challenges are represented in this Case Study. Firstly, the land on which the event was held is designated for clearing due to forward planning of the M9 orbital. As a critically endangered ecological community, the Cumberland Plain Woodland, faces challenges like this daily in the ever expanding Sydney Basin.

Secondly, the southwest of Sydney, is an area where Landcare is happening - but in an isolated uncoordinated manner. There is no distinct network sitting as an umbrella organisation in this large area, to offer support and coordination of environmental actions which are required to protect and enhance the space.

The solution

To bring people together and raise some awareness of the Cumberland Plain Woodland and its associated issues, a Walk and Talk event was held on a bush property in Cobbitty. To enable isolated (and overwhelmed) environmentally inclined landholders, the feeling of inclusion and support, local landholders were invited to attend. An expert ecologist from Greater Sydney Local Land Services guided a walk and talk across the Cumberland Plain Woodland portion of the site, and Landcare facilitated discussions throughout the day trying to identify other landholder issues. This was in addition to gathering participant ideas on what works well in the area, or what could be introduced to establish a larger, supportive Landcare network.

The impact

Key connections were made, in addition to partnership ideas for upcoming grants. As a result, follow-up site visits will be made to attendees and a number of follow-up events of interest will be organised to attract others.

One large grant application has been led by a landcare champion at the Cobbitty event, in the hope of establishing a larger network with support and resources available for its establishment. This will work in well with the recent Biodiversity Conservation Trust funds awarded, made available in the same area, aimed at contacting and offering support for conservation inclined landholders.


Cobbitty offers the largest and most healthy representative remnant of the critically endangered ecological community, Cumberland Plain woodland, across western Sydney.

Connecting and consulting with locals in areas of high biodiversity significance is a key way to create effective and efficient land caring strategies for ongoing environmental protection and enhancement.

Key facts

  • Laying the groundwork for a Landcare network in the Cobbitty area
  • More land caring resources encouraging best land management and environmental protection will [hopefully] see essential remnants of CEECs preserved for future generations.
  • Without private land inclusion into this space, not enough preservation of the CEEC will exist to maintain its viability.

Project Partners