Cumberland Plain Landcare Program

Volunteers contributing to conservation outcomes across the threatened Cumberland Plain Woodland.

The Cumberland Plain Landcare Program (CPLP) enabled 14 events over an 18 month period. During this time it encouraged close to 350 volunteers to contribute conservation outcomes on the Threatened Cumberland Plain Woodland. Threatened riparian (creek and river), rainforest and fringe ecological communities also benefited from this Program.
Works were carried out on Council, National Park and private properties. An approximate total of 660 trees were planted, 3400 sq metres weeded and 417kg of rubbish was removed.
12 training sessions were included in the Program, concentrating on activities that included fauna surveys e.g. bird watching and spotlight tours.
A total of 28 different groups and organisations partnered with the CPLP.
The CPLP was facilitated by the Greater Sydney Landcare Network, with support from the Greater Sydney Local Land Services and financial assistance from the Federal Government.