Cumberland Plain Landcare Support

A support Program for western Sydney's Landcare and Bushcare community

Stronger Together - LLCI012-005

The issue

Historically, volunteers have been hard to attract and keep at restoration sites in western Sydney. The little remaining bushland on the Cumberland Plain is classified as a Critically Endangered Ecological Community (Cumberland Plain Woodland; CPW) and is under constant threat, particularly with development. More hands on work, volunteer numbers and new volunteer groups are desperately required.

The solution

The Cumberland Plain Landcare and Bushcare Support Program aims to support Landcare and Bushcare; public and private landholders that are already working to restore the CPW, offering more volunteers, informal training and/ or a boost in morale.

More awareness raising and the development of a core volunteer group that will be dedicated to the bushland of Sydney's west is also planned as part of the solution.

Private landholders and volunteer supervisors alike, will get more support with appropriate know how and more volunteers to maintain key actions across their property or volunteer work sites containing this CEEC.

The impact

Over an 18 month period, it is hoped that a total of 20 sites will be visited. During this time five weekend programs will be implemented, with 10 singular day events.

It is hoped that 200 volunteer days will be achieved, with close to 1,200 volunteer hours dedicated to the recovery of the CPW.

Atleast one new roving volunteer group is hoped to result by the end of the program, offering dedicated skills and energy to western Sydney’s environment and, its volunteer community.

The Program also has funding for a small amount of contractor assistance to sites needing urgent attention.


A Program with 20 different sites is proving to be hard to build, compared to a Project or Program focussing on one site. But it is hoped that the benefits this Program will bring to western Sydney Landcare and Bushcare will be worth the effort.

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • Funding sought through LLS Community Landcare Grant
  • Initial Cumberland Plain Support Program to commence January, 2017
  • Calendar of Cumberland Plain Support events to be developed
  • Seeking volunteers from a variety of audiences NOW…

Project Partners