We meet second Monday of the month during daylight saving, 5.30pm at various properties. Non-daylight saving, second Saturday of the month 9.30am various locations.

Gresford Landcare is always welcoming new friends and members.


The aim of the Arboretum is to showcase and preserve fast disappearing local dry rainforest species. These beautiful trees and shrubs are drought tolerant and provide a food source for local fauna. It is hoped that anyone interested in establishing a drought tolerant garden or revegetating a landscape would be able to use the plantings as a reference. A weekly working bee to help maintain the arboretum is held on most Fridays for an hour or so.

Gresford District Landcare along with Vacy community members have restored access to the junction of the Paterson and Allyn Rivers at Vacy. A popular location for locals and visitors to picnic and enjoy nature's beauty. Monthly working bees to help maintain the site are held 2pm on 3rd Sunday of each month.

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