Gunnible Landcare Inc is a Landcare group which has conducted environmentally focussed projects in the Gunnedah area since 1997.

Gunnible Landcare Inc is a Landcare group which has conducted environmentally focussed projects in the Gunnedah area since 1997. The area covered by the group is north of the Namoi River at Gunnedah, out to the Melville Ranges/Kelvin Hills. Most local landholders look after their own interests, with the Landcare group being a vehicle that offers a collective viewpoint and a social community focus. Specific activities have included maintenance and beautification of local reserves and travelling stock routes, noxious weed control, protecting ‘at risk’ tree avenues (replacing dead trees, installing tree guards etc) and revegetating private land to encourage biodiversity. Gunnible is well connected within the local community having established links with Local Land Services North West, Gunnedah Shire Council, Red Chief Local Aboriginal Land Council, Whitehaven Coal, Rotary and others. Members of the group have a diverse range of skills that are of significant value for new revegetation and habitat restoration projects.

Cohen's Reserve Transformation - a case study 

In 2010, Gunnible Landcare identified an area on the north bank of the Namoi River (in the vicinity of O’Keefe Avenue) as needing extensive remediation. The area was virtually impenetrable due to prickly trees, three-metre high weeds, and noxious species like Ossage Orange, Tree of Heaven and Johnson Grass. The area was also used as a dumping ground for rubbish.
The area required extensive clearing, earthworks and re-planting.  Click the link above to read about the transformation.

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