Masterman Range Landcare Group - It's Alive!

After a number of years 'in the wilderness', a small Landcare Group has breathed new life into an 'old' group thanks to new membership, renewed interest and the Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative.

Reaching Out - LLCI031-042

The issue

Volunteer burnout. Historically the Masterman Range Landcare Group had become singularly focussed on the nearby Macintyre River and the local Recreation Reserve and members with other interests had drifted away from the group. New landholders moving to the district approached Gwymac and expressed an interest in forming a Landcare Group to address the issues of natural resource management and community.

The solution

Gwymac was able to approach previous members of the Masterman Range Landcare Group who were still living in the district, and along with the new members coordinated a meeting of interested landholders in August 2015.  From that initial meeting, a subsequent meeting was held in May 2016 and a Group Action Plan developed whereby the group elected a volunteer Chairperson and Secretary and have decided to formally meet two times per year with the support of the Gwymac Landcare Coordinator.

The impact

The Masterman Range Landcare Group's Vision as stated in their Group Action Plan is:  "To provide interested people with an opportunity to come together in their local community and engage in social, environmental and economic activities that will contribute to the sustainability of their community."  To date the group have already participated in a Nocturnal Evening Walk in the reserve surrounding their meeting place of Wallangra Hall and with support from Gwymac have submitted a funding application to the NLP Small Community Grants funding program to host an extension event in 2017 on soil biology and soil health.

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • Landholders are seeking to have an active interest in Natural Resource Management.
  • Volunteer community groups can remain resilient when supported by resources.
  • A Group Action Plan can provide a volunteer group with direction and purpose.

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