Rural Women Shining in Regional Businesses
Gwymac Inc partnered with one of its ‘opportunity’ Landcare Groups called Ag-n-Chat in order to promote, support and display rural women with a regional business who were leaders in their field and could provide inspiration to other women in rural areas.
Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI031-047
The issue
Feedback from previous workshops had highlighted the importance of providing inspiration and motivation to women living in rural and sometimes remote areas from other rural women who have established successful businesses or their own from a variety of enterprises. Four guest speakers were engaged to deliver on a variety of topics with the connection being that they were all businesses owned and operated by rural women in regional areas who are passionate about increasing the capacity of like-minded rural women to succeed in their own enterprises. It was important that participants would be able to connect locally while simultaneously benefiting from the experience of someone who has received public recognition in their field.
The solution
Gwymac applied to the Northern Tablelands Local Land Services Small Community Grants program and were able to secure funds to run a one day workshop/information session that was attended by almost 50 ladies from the district. One local lady spoke very candidly about following her dream of opening an art gallery despite the challenges of a young family and two local ladies spoke about establishing, operating and promoting a primarily online business making health products from what is growing in their paddock. A fourth lady was engaged to discuss her and her family's journey in establishing a permaculture farm in Victoria with it's respective challenges and rewards. A recurrent them throughout all presentations was the need to retain a sense of humour!
The impact
Of the evaluations received, 100% indicated that they had gained some new personal insights from the speakers on the day, they found them inspirational and motivating, it was a worthwhile use of their time and they would like to see more events of this nature in the future. 87% of the respondents indicated that they had a better understanding of the challenges facing regional businesses. The Ag-n-Chat group of rural women seek to come together in order to laugh, learn and have each other to lean on and Gwymac continually seeks to support them.
Key facts
- Never underestimate a rural woman with a dream.
- Tenacity, determination and a sense of humour are critical ingredients for success.
- Believe in yourself and hold on to the passion.