Widespread Weeds

Community gathering at Ashford 3 Mile Crossing to raise awareness about weeds

Taking Action - MEPAAW-NT-04-03

The issue

Gwymac wanted to raise awareness about the general impact of all types of invasive weeds in the New England North West area. In particular we wanted people to attend the event who may not be controlling weeds on their property. We wanted to spread the message to act early!  Gwymac wanted to attract as many people as possible to the event via a free barbeque.

The solution

A community weeds afternoon was organised at Ashford's 3 Mile Crossing on the Severn River just out of Ashford on a Friday afternoon. Geoff Riley, Inverell Shire Council Weeds Officer attended and presented on the impact of weeds. He identified weeds that participants had brought along as well as hosting a short walk along the river. The event was catered for and included meat from a local butcher and delicious salads made by a local caterer. It was an enjoyable afternoon and also provided everyone with the opportunity to meet the local weeds officer.

The impact

It was a good afternoon for those who attended and offered the opportunity to take a break from the farm. It raised awareness and reminded attendees that they have to keep up the fight against weeds!

It also provided a reminder to Gwymac that perhaps we need a campaign to remind visitors to the region that they also need to be mindful of weeds and avoid spreading them.

Gwymac plans to put together a grant application to build on weeds eradication activities that occurred on the river at Ashford a few years ago.

Author: Isabella Grace Hall

Key facts

  • A variety of invasive weeds inhabit the Ashford area.
  • Residents are already excellent weed fighters but it is always timely to issue reminders.
  • There remain opportunities for group weed attacks!

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