On Farm Biodiversity
Riparian restorations in the Hastings Region
Showing the Difference - LLCI033-107
The issue
Landholders Mr & Mrs Dhu are situated in the Camden Haven River catchment area. Running through their property is a riparian zone, being a tributary running into the Camden Haven River. Their stock have access to the riparian zone and are causing erosion, damaging the ecosystem and fouling the water. Additionally, stock are hard to manage when they can disperse down to the creek. There is also a large infestation of mature camphor laurels and small-leaf privet through the whole riparian zone that is overwhelming for the landholders.
The solution
Brian and Alison applied for funding through Hastings Landcare's 'Greater Hastings building resilience through riparian landscapes links project' funded by the Australian Government and were successful. They developed a site action plan creating identifying all the features of the site including fencing, dams, creeks, stock toughs and vegetation. They divided the project into three manageable zones to tackle weeds. They installed 554m of fencing to exclude stock. They hired contractors to do the primary weed control including stem injecting mature camphor laurel and privet. The Dhus are enthused by the results of primary weed control and are now actively managing the area with regular follow up and maintenance.
The impact
The Dhu property showcases just one of the projects from our Greater Hastings building resilience through riparian landscapes links project. Our project has achieved;
- 67 participating landholders across the Camden Haven, Pappinbarra, Wilson and Hastings catchment areas
- 256ha of reduced grazing pressure
- 29ha of biodiverse plantings
- 374ha of contained and managed weeds
- 71km of enhanced riparian connectivity
Alison and Brian remark "there is fantastic native regrowth along the creek where we eradicated mature camphor laurel trees and put in a fence to keep the stock away from the creek. The young gums are getting very tall now and doing very well"
Key facts
- Well managed riparian zones;
- support biodiversity
- create clean water by prevent sediment runoff into our waterways
- create shade and a cooling effect for fish & wildlife (help prevent evaporation)
- add multiple stock management benefits including stock control, shade, water quality & reduced stock losses