NAB funding helps Wauchope Group get up and running!

Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI033-105

The issue

Wauchope is a thriving rural community but there was one thing missing? A Landcare group! There were a number of reserves in Wauchope that could use plenty of attention and various community members showed an interest in starting a group. In fact, there were people out there working alone to make a difference to their local environment so Hastings Landcare decide to help establish an active Landcare group that could work in public reserves in Wauchope.

The solution

Given that some members of the community were already keen to get their hands dirty we knew that there was a need to provide the opportunity for people to volunteer and there were various sites that definitely needed some bush regeneration.

The next hurdle was getting permission to work on a public site which proved to be more difficult than expected. However, after exploring a number of options we were fortunate enough to be supported by the Wauchope Chamber of Commerce (WCC) . WCC and Landcare now partner up to carry out weeding and planting along sections of the riparian zone adjacent to the Wauchope River Walk. Additionally, we are currently exploring more options with Crown Lands sites in the same vicinity.

The next step was to gain some funding for some equipment to get us started. This was generously provided to us by Nation Australia Bank and meant we could now actually get out and start making a difference. So we organised our first working bee!


The impact

Landcare brings environmental, social & community benefits to Wauchope by;

  • carrying out bush regeneration in Wauchope bushland reserves
  • revegetating with local native species
  • providing a Landcare volunteer opportunity for local residents without the need to drive to another town
  • bringing like-minded people together for fun and friendship whilst making a difference to our local environment.
Author: Hastings Landcare Inc

Key facts

  • Landcare provides a multitude of environmental, social and community benefits.
  • Landcare is for everyone
  • Gaining support and partnering up with local organistations is instrumental

Project Partners