Case Studies
Concerns about local threatened species within a changing climate.
Establishing a platform for experts and enthusiasts to meet and share knowledge, assisting landowners in the Hawkesbury-Nepean region are concerned about declining local flora and fauna populations from flooding. .
July 2024Disaster recovery through Healing with Nature in Penrith
HNLN helps the community to reconnect to nature and each through nature therapy and in turn can also help nature recover
September 2023Restoring Our Bushland Together Hawkesbury
Supporting disaster recovery across fire and floods by providing advice, onground assistance, supporting groups, and connecting residents to suppor educational resources and networks.
September 2023Primary school students become stewards
With the help of Landcare and other organisations, the Think Share Act students at Grose View Primary School have become stewards of the bushland and wildlife on their school.
February 2023A Landcare approach to priority weed management
Working with the Local Control Authority to support residents and new Landcarers and groups
August 2022Providing skills for Bushfire Recovery
HNLN teamed up with the charity RuffTRACK to run a skill-based workshop on fencing following the 2019-20 fires and floods.
August 2022Revitalising Wetlands Conservation
Hawkesbury Wetlands group revitalise discussions about wetlands and their management with the Future of the Wetlands in the Hawkesbury Forum
August 2022HRCC Landcare Support Hours
The Host organisation who is also the Local control authority (LCA) works with Local Landcare network (or HNLN) to support bush regeneration for grant work and sites.
June 2022Building Strategic Relationships
Connecting organisations involved in natural resource management and community engagement across LGAs to ensure overall understanding, optimal outcomes and identify points for collaboration.
August 2021Understanding the Condition of Wetlands in the Hawkesbury
The Hawkesbury Wetland Site Assessment Program involves researching and monitoring the condition of privately owned wetlands, engaging with owners and training them to conduct rapid wetlands assessments to ensure ongoing monitoring and sustainable management.
July 2021Fishers roll up their sleeves for landcare
Partnering with Ozfish and Penrith City Council to engage local fishing chapter in fish habitat restoration and boost a local council bushcare group
July 2021Koala Habit Corridor Program - providing landholder support
Working with landholders in Kurrajong to overcome challenges encountered since starting the Koala Habitat Corridor Program 8 months ago.
July 2020Supporting School Projects
Helping begin new environment projects by providing advice, on the ground assistance and connecting schools with environmental education resources and networks.
June 2020County Council members match LLCI grant
Four Sydney Local Councils have made a resolution to match the other 0.5 FTE of the Hawkesbury Landcare Network's Local Landcare Coordinator, namely Hawkesbury, Hills, Blacktown and Penrith
June 2019Cattai Hills Environment Network
Born with the support of a Local Landcare Coordinator, Cattai Hills Environment Network Inc (CHEN) is now a fully functioning environmental network based in the Hills area of Sydney's North West
June 2019WetLandcare in the Hawkesbury
Caring for wetlands across the Hawkesbury and greater western Sydney with Landcare, StreamWatch and biodiversity surveys. WetLandcare also monitors land use impacts from neighbouring properties.
June 2019Koala Habitat Restoration Program
13 landholders have come together in the Kurrajong area to restore bushland remnants on their properties to create a better corridor for the local population of koalas
June 2019Intrepids making Local Landcare Coordinator redundant
Western Sydney Intrepid Landcarers plan, carry out and achieve outcomes for landholders
February 2019Community out-foxed
Landcare supporting a community led fox trapping program in the Blue Mountains
February 2019Landcare goes scientific
Landcare and StreamWatch monitoring water quality on wetlands in the Hawkesbury
February 2019Weed Management Field Day
Weed management field day for cattle and horse owners
January 2017Understanding our community
Landholder survey
November 2016Building our presence in the local community
Promoting a newly-formed network
November 2016