County Council members match LLCI grant

Four Sydney Local Councils have made a resolution to match the other 0.5 FTE of the Hawkesbury Landcare Network's Local Landcare Coordinator, namely Hawkesbury, Hills, Blacktown and Penrith

Building our Future - LLCI035-010

The issue

Landcare across the state is only limited by the amount of resources it has. In the north west of Sydney, Landcare is an incredibly busy entity given that Hawkesbury, Hills, Blacktown and Penrith local Government areas fall across 1/3 of Sydney. In order to move into other parts of the Hawkesbury River County Council's designated control area, additional funds must be obtained before resources can be spread any further - than the LLCI Stage one's host area of the Hawkesbury.

The solution

With great support and encouragement from the host organisation's General Manager, Landcare was included gradually via updates at the bi-monthly board meetings. This was followed up with a Business Case delivered to the Board in early 2019. With three Councils in favour of motioning the increase in their rates to consolidate Landcare across the four Council areas, an amended Business Case was then delivered again at the next Board meeting, before unanimous voting from the Councillors resolved to fund 0.5 FTE of the Hawkesbury Local Landcare Coordinators role. 

The impact

Funding 0.5 FTE for the HLN LLC only equated to $10,000 per year for four years from each of the four Councils, but was the first increase in Council rates to the host (Hawkesbury River County Council in seven years). Additionally, it proved that each Council was willing to back Landcare - and, private land conservation across their LGAs - something that has not yet occurred in the Sydney area. Blue Mountains City Council is the only other Local Government entity within Greater Sydney which financially backs Landcare within their operations.


Whenever possible, Local Landcare Coordinators should take the opportunity to develop relationships with their local decision makers. Having access to a Board of Local Government Councillors every two months has been invaluable in painting a story of benefits related to Landcare operations - and has ultimately brought Landcare to the fore - when funding was required for it development.

Local Government sponsorship in Greater Sydney is a commitment to private land conservation - which without Landcare may not otherwise occur.

Author: Xuela Sledge

Key facts

  • Local Governments across Greater Sydney have a potential to support and contribute to the sponsorship of Landcare on private land across Sydney. In an area more urban than rural, this may be a more beneficial model than the current LLS-LLCI partnership fuelling the agricultural focusses of regional Landcare.