A great time on Saturday 22 April

A great time on Saturday 22 April

Planted 120 native plants Hawks Nest NSW

It was a wonderful morning’s work by everyone on Saturday!


The weather was great while working on a new bare site between the sand dunes and the Hawks Nest caravan park fence.

More than120 native plants are now settling into their new home to add to those planted some years ago by locals.

Several old clumps of bitou bush was removed and billions of mother-of-millions!

Unfortunately several bags of rubbish was also cleared.


Only downside was the bucket brigade to the taps near the surf club - thank you to those who did several of the trips.


A new year welcome back to Adele and Rex was able to join us for a well earned coffee at Benchmark.


Early reminder that the next Bitou Buster’s will be Saturday 20 May - one week early - and we will have Hunter Intrepid Landcare joining us for the morning.

