Dune Care Working Bee. Hawks Nest Surf Club DunesThere is a Dune Care day at Bennetts Beach sponsored by Mid Coast Council on Friday 8 This includes morning tea and lunch and we will have Dune Care volunteers from around the shire join us It’s always a fun and productive day. RSVP 4 July. https://landcare.nsw.gov.au/groups/hawks-nest-tea-gardens-bitou-busters/news/dune-care-working-bee-hawks-nest-surf-club-dunes/viewhttps://landcare.nsw.gov.au/groups/hawks-nest-tea-gardens-bitou-busters/news/dune-care-working-bee-hawks-nest-surf-club-dunes/@@images/image-1200-b7150c63f9d250f45dac9b453c484ffe.jpeg
Dune Care Working Bee. Hawks Nest Surf Club Dunes
There is a Dune Care day at Bennetts Beach sponsored by Mid Coast Council on Friday 8 This includes morning tea and lunch and we will have Dune Care volunteers from around the shire join us It’s always a fun and productive day. RSVP 4 July.