Funds available for community projects

Funds available for community projects

Community Mutual working with Landcare NSW to deliver small grants in the Hunter, New England North West, and Orana Districts

Community Mutual has named Landcare NSW as the recipient of funds from their e-statement campaign, where for every account holder who switches to e-statements Landcare NSW receives $1 (max $20,000). This program runs from 26/03/2014 to 30/06/2015

This is being used for small projects ($200-$1500) that will benefit Landcare groups/networks in each of the 3 regions Community Mutual operate across – i.e. Hunter, New England and Orana.

The types of projects that have been funded in the past are contributions to field days, working bees, forums, upgrading web pages.

Successful applicants are required to acknowledge Community Mutual at the event, and or on written products, and a short ( less than 1 page) report, and photo of the activity supported is required upon completion.

Be quick, this is a limited opportunity and we take EOIs in the order they come in. We have a few EOIs that we have already received, however we currently have funds available for projects that will be completed by April 2014.

Please forward application forms to


Sonia Williams

General Manager Landcare NSW
