Hawks Nest bushland breathes a sigh of relief
Once again Christian Patteson, Horticulturalist, had the privilege of coordinating a week of local bush regeneration for Barker College, Sydney. Each November the schools' year 9 students have an end of year camp in Tea Gardens, Hawks Nest area participating in exciting pursuits such as kayaking, surfing and hiking. They also give back to the community in the form of bush regeneration. Their work compliments the Hawks Nest and Tea Gardens Bitou Busters and the Council environment department.
This year they worked in three locations. The Koala Reserve, near the Anchorage at Winda Woppa and on the dunes south of the surf club. They tackled a giant bitou, masses of lantana, camphor laurel, radiata pine, okna, African olive, polygala and asparagus fern. All of these weeds are a serious threat to our local ecology if not controlled.
The main target of the week was to remove all the lantana from the Koala Reserve. This was achieved in just three days. The road verge along western Kingfisher Avenue is private land so while lantana and bitou remain there, everywhere else has been cleared. This is exciting news, as the central part of the Koala Reserve is a beautiful and ecologically a diverse forest.
The flora and fauna are again breathing a big sigh of relief, thanks to Barker College, Sydney, year 9 students and the environmental section of council for all their support.