Local volunteers join national campaign

Local volunteers join national campaign

Hawks Nest NSW

Volunteers from Hawks Nest and Tea Gardens joined thousands around Australia attacking weeds during Bushcare’s Major Day Out.

Sixteen local Bitou Busters worked removing asparagus weed from Bennetts beach dunes, one of 250 sites across the nation. For several members, this was their first outing with new tick-proof overalls donated by Bushcare’s Major Day Out. Their work and banners near the Surf Club attracted interest from local residents and visitors alike.

Sunday 11 September was a national day of community participation in the care of our bush and dunes.

The Bitou Buster volunteers meet monthly to maintain Hawks Nest and Tea Gardens bushland by controlling environmental weeds, clearing rubbish that has no habitat value and planting native species.

The Bitou Busters are supported by Mid Coast Council and the NSW Environment Trust Fund, promoting the work done in this area by the Bitou Busters who raise awareness of the environment in the community.

