Rain, rain and more rain!
Hawks Nest and Tea Gardens
It was too wet this Saturday morning of 23rd May although three hardy soul Bitou Busters did turn up!
One to get the paper and two for a coffee and a chat so that’s what they did as they watched the rain continue to pour down from the comfort of the Benchmark Café Hawks Nest.
The remaining tube stock will have to wait until 27th June so hope for a fine day to get that done.
There is no forward planning for the Bitou Busters while the weather is so unpredictable but they will deal with what needs to be done month by month.
The plantings from two weeks ago at Winda Woppa love this rain so all is not lost.
Good news, Bennetts and Jimmy’s Beach, where the hay bales and plants were planted, most of the bales are still there and even sprouting!
Jill Madden the Bitou Busters Co coordinator will be contacting everyone in a few weeks but please note the 27th June in your diary for the next working-bee