Training Session for Bitou Busters

Training Session for Bitou Busters

There are now three team leaders in addition to Mel Ledgett  Horticulturist and Jill Madden Coordinator for the Bitou Busters team.

They are Anne Haskew, Lynda Grant and Adrienne Ingram. They will help Jill to advise on techniques for weed removal, poisons, plant identification and control of weed piles so we will all benefit and everyone will learn along the way. Please ask for their advice and listen to their directions.

Mel gave the training session on 17 March 2015 at Jill’s home. Isabelle Strachan GLC Environment Officer and Steve Howard GLC Community Liaison Officer were there to help and give input to the trainees.

Hopefully other training sessions will be organised in the future for anyone interested in becoming a team leader for the BBs.


