Volunteers and Council working together on weeds
Hawks nest, NSW
It was great fun on Saturday 7th at Hawks Nest, with 15 willing Bitou Busters splitting into two working groups to clear weeds at Winda Woppa.
Thanks to Anne’s team re-weeding, the back of the picnic area, which is really looking good but some rain would help this area.
The group on The Boulevarde found very old mature bitou bush and cassia, carpets of mother of millions and a few garden dumpings including aspidistra and succulent plants.
As directed, the group did not pull up any asparagus as the Council has funding to use a specialised team employing the Worimi Bush Regeneration group to complete a large-scale asparagus control program in Winda Woppa - including the Boulevarde area where the Bitou Busters have been working.
The Council team will benefit from the clearing that was done to be able to get to the asparagus
More care was given today and will be in future about bagging into the council’s red bins anything with fruit, seeds or able to grow from a piece like the mother of millions.
Great work everyone.