Volunteers Unite to Fight Dune Weeds
Bushcare Major Big Day Out at Hawks Nest
Bitou Buster volunteers joined Hawks Nest Dune Care members Michael and Adele Richie to celebrate the National Bushcare Major Day Out.
Fourteen volunteers worked on the dunes along Beach Road, Hawks Nest on Saturday 13 September weeding out asparagus and they found other noxious weeds along the way, including African olive, privet and fireweed.
A special bonus for the morning was a Brush Turkey building a mound in the same area, which it had cleared with its powerful legs to make its nest.
Bitou Buster coordinator Jill Madden said that this was a great opportunity to work together and clear the dunes of noxious weeds, allowing the reestablishment of native plants for the benefit of the local fauna like the Brush Turkey.
The BBs will be back again to help out on this site on Saturday 26 September.