Natural & Cultural Heritage

  • Site contains no known Aboriginal relics (Koettig 1996)
  • Soil derived from Hawkesbury Sandstone Vegetation Community – E.punctata-Corymbia gummifera-E.haemastoma Woodland
  • Heritage listed of local significance (containing bushland)

Conservation Status

  • Hopeville Park is heritage listed and is regarded as being of localsignificance (Hornsby Shire LEP, 1994)

Condition / Impacts

  • BMX track is through the bushland canopy but contained from the regeneration areas by post and wire. It is ever-changing in terms of layout, jumps etc
  • The bushland remnants are in good condition with weed infestation mostly occurring on the edges

Main Weeds

  • Camphor laurel, Parramatta grass and other exotic grasses

There is an active Bushcare group in the bushland area of this reserve.

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