Connecting with our Community with Shorebirds

A community engagement program - taking a closer look at shorebirds of the Hunter & Manning regions

Community Participation - LP038R-002

The issue

The Hunter and Manning regions provide critical habitat for both resident and migratory shorebirds. These Key Biodiversity Areas or KBA’s, contain essential nesting sites, roosting sites, and food sources, but our shorebirds are very vulnerable to human disturbances.

The solution

To address this we have developed a community engagement program to raise awareness of shorebirds and their habitats, to ensure their protection and preservation into the future:

  • Development of resources for a travelling roadshow exhibition with interactive activities to engage the community,
  • The travelling roadshow exhibition will feature in local libraries, tourist information centres, surf clubs, markets, and museums,
  • Development and delivery of an engaging presentation to those who work along our coastal and estuary environments.

Our target audiences are:

  • Surf clubs and members;
  • Council staff such as planners, beach cleaners, environmental officers, and operational staff;
  • Landcare and Coastcare groups;
  • Tourists/ visitors to the region.

The impact

Through this program we hope to:

  • Raise awareness of shorebirds and their habitat requirements;
  • Empower towards change in the way we plan, manage, and deliver our coastline and estuary operational activities;
  • Encourage people to become shorebird guardians to monitor and protect our shorebirds.
Author: Henrietta Mooney

Key facts

  • The Hunter and Manning regions provide critical habitat for shorebirds all year round including for a number of shorebirds listed as Critically Endangered.
  • We need to protect these key biodiversity areas by minimising human disturbance, in order to ensure the survival of our shorebirds.

Project Partners