Partnership improves Koala habitat
Landcare, Worimi LALC and NPWS partner to improve koala habitat
Collaborations - LP037-008
The issue
Tilligerry Landcare has been caring for native vegetation and habitat on Tiliigerry peninsula for many years on various land tenures. Over the past 50 years, the Big Swan Bay area along the foreshore and Rutile Road has been subject to several mining extractions (which took out the Swamp mahogany Paperbark Forest and associated minerals), frequent wildfires and illegal dumping. Landcare was exultant when Tilligerry and Gir-um -bit State Conservation Areas were declared on the Tilligerry peninsula in 2007, but have realised that the bushland is still moderately degraded and in need of attention. This is a release site for Port Stephens Koala joeys that are ready to leave care, which makes it significant for the koala population.
Landcare saw the need to halt the spreading pine trees, leptospermum laevigatum, lantana, introduced grasses and neglect and reinstate koala habitat suitable for the local population and provide a corridor for movement.
The solution
Tilligerry Landcare reached out to Hunter Region Landcare Network (HRLN), NPWS and Port Stephens Council to see what could be done to improve the condition of this bushland. Site visits with the partners resulted in agreement that Landcare, Worimi LALC and NPWS work together to rehabilitate the site and source funding to make it happen. Tilligerry Landcare and HRLN applied for a NSW Environmental Trust grant in August 2020 and was successful with the application, giving us three years to carry out the project. The Worimi Green team was contracted to carry out the primary weed control targets and Landcare would assist. Worimi concurrently carries out similar work on their patch of adjacent land, providing direct benefits for both.
The impact
The synergy of the stakeholders working together has allowed for a successful project that benefits each of the organisations as well as the environment and the local community. Improved native biodiversity, improved cooperation and ongoing education are important aspects of the project. Clean up Australia Day, National Tree Day and educational days are annual events on site that have been well received throughout the project, bringing awareness of the value of this bushland for koalas, other native fauna and people. Year two of the project is nearly complete, and over 50 ha of area has been treated for weeds. Over 500 Eucalypts have been planted to enhance the canopy cover in patches without natural regeneration occurring.
Key facts
- National Tree Day 2021 attracted 26 volunteers to the site
- Working together with other organisations makes the project possible
- Habitat for koalas is crucial in our current climate