Regional Community of Practice

Expanding our capacity to bring people together to care for our landscapes, and to provide leadership and support to Landcarers to improve our natural environments.

Regional Community of Practice

Expanding our capacity to bring people together to care for our landscapes, and to provide leadership and support to Landcarers to improve our natural environments.


The issue

The Hunter Region Landcare Network (HRLN) and Mid Coast 2 Tops Landcare Connection (MC2T) together make up the one Local Land Services region of the Hunter, however, the two Networks operate in different landscapes and unique communities. The challenge is to maintain our unique identities whilst operating as one region.

With the recent transition into the Landcare Enabling Program 2023 - 2027, HRLN and MC2T have expanded their capacity to bring people together to care for our landscapes, and to provide leadership and support to Landcarers to improve our natural environments.

The solution

Our Regional Community of Practice gatherings provide an opportunity for staff and volunteer committees to come together and plan together in creative and innovative ways. Using Art of Hosting techniques, all are invited to have a voice for their ideas on how we can plan for the future and operate as one, on regional matters that benefit both Networks and communities.

The impact

From our most recent gathering, we were able to achieve a regional marketing and messaging plan, and a regional communications plan, internal plans for Hunter Region Landcare Network and Mid Coast 2 Tops Landcare Connection, that provides a unified Landcare public message and direction for the Networks.


Within Network volunteer committees and across regional staff, there are unique needs and requirements that can vary. Capturing and addressing this variety and diversity is a challenge, but there are shared values and goals that enable collaboration and increase our capacity to deliver Landcare support to our communities.

Key facts

  • Working together as one region not only benefits our Networks, it also better supports our communities and their needs.
  • Collaboration on regional initiatives saves resources and avoids duplication of services.

Project Partners