The Kenibea Landcare Group has been working together since 1995.
The group's site is certainly is a beautiful place, and while there is much work to be done the Kenibea Landcare Group, with the assistance of bush regenerators and the Landcare Green Team, have successfully rehabilitated many areas within the site.
The group's greatest challenge is the removal of weed species which is very time consuming due to the size of the site. Past clearing and use as an orchard and horse paddocks caused considerable degradation to the native vegetation as well as encouraging the spread of many invasive weed species such as Lantana, Privet and Morning Glory.
A Kenibea (Garvey Grove) Landcare Action Plan was completed for 2008 directing planting of native trees and shrubs based on species occurring in creek gullies in Glenrock State Conservation Area. The Action Plan also included more assistance from the Bush Regeneration Team and the Green Team as well as two pedestrian bridges for Little Flaggy Creek.

The rehabilitation of the bushland bordering the track linking Garvey Grove
to Kenibea Avenue was the first area the landcare group tackled.
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