305 kilometre walk the border
Comment by Geoff Robertson on Walk the Border
While only a smallish contingent of K2C supporters participated in the walk to border, those that did found the walk fascinating. The K2C contingent joined the walk on 12 and 14 October, and on each occasion we walked along or in parallel with the the railway line. My particular interest in grasslands and grassy woodlands was well rewarded.
On 12 October, active K2C participant, John Briggs (OEH) met up with the walkers and showed them healthy patches of Button Wrinklewort (Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides) and Small Purple Pea (Swainsona recta), two highly endangered form species; thanks John. On 14 the walkers were met by members of Burra Landcare at the Burra Reserve who accompanied us through the reserve; thanks to Maryke Booth for organising this. Timing of the walk allowed us to see many spectacular flower displays despite the dry weather this year.
I also saw the group off on day one and was part of the Friends of Grassland contingent on the last day as we walked through the Dunlop Grassland.
Organiser Rod Griffiths, President of the Conservation Council and active K2C participant, walk each day raising funds for the Conservation Council. He was accompanied on all but one day. Congratulations Rod for an amazing effort.
The Walk the Border website <https://walktheborderact.wordpress.com> provides an impressive record of the walk showing wonder photos of the scenery and varied vegetation communities along the border, as well as interesting animals and historical sites along the way.